Family & Systemic Constellations

The systemic view of the world, also known as Family & Systemic Constellations is a growing field that is connecting us to all existence,

Family & Systemic Constellations Event

In-Person or ON-line (For more information see below).

Family & Systemic Constellations


Times: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Dress comfortably according to the weather (We may work outside)
Venue: To be advised.

21st July 2024
> 1 Day at R 1,070.00 - Book Now!

3rd August 2024
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25th August 2024
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21st September 2024
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5th and 6th October 2024
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4th August 2024
> R 980.00 - Book Now!

22nd September 2024
> R 980.00 - Book Now!

13th October 2024
> R 980.00 - Book Now!
The purpose of setting up a Family & Systemic Constellations event, whether in-person or online, is to explore and gain insights into the dynamics and hidden patterns within a family or any other system. Family & Systemic Constellations is a therapeutic approach that originated from family therapy and has expanded to encompass various types of systems, such as organizations, communities, and even personal issues.

The main aim of a constellation is to bring to light the underlying dynamics and entanglements that may be impacting individuals within a system. It provides a visual representation of the system through the use of representatives or symbols. Representatives are chosen to represent different elements or members of the system, such as family members or significant figures. These representatives then physically or symbolically interact with each other, revealing hidden information and emotions.

By setting up a constellation, individuals or groups can gain a deeper understanding of the systemic dynamics at play and how they may be affecting relationships, behaviors, or issues within the system. It can help uncover entanglements, unresolved conflicts, and inherited patterns that may be causing distress or limiting growth.

The process of setting up a constellation allows participants to explore different perspectives, empathize with others, and find possible resolutions. It can provide healing and reconciliation by acknowledging and honoring the interconnectedness of the system. Through this process, individuals often experience profound insights, emotional release, and a sense of clarity and resolution.

Overall, the purpose of setting up a constellation is to gain insights, promote healing, and facilitate positive change within a system by bringing hidden dynamics to light and creating a space for exploration and understanding.
Setting up a family constellation can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals and groups. Here are some examples of who may benefit from participating in or setting up a family constellation:

1. Individuals with personal or family issues:
If someone is facing challenges or struggles within their personal life or family system, a family constellation can help them gain clarity, understanding, and resolution. It can be useful for exploring relationship difficulties, unresolved conflicts, emotional burdens, or patterns of behaviour that are causing distress.

2. Families experiencing dysfunction or conflict:
Families dealing with ongoing conflicts, communication breakdowns, or dysfunctional patterns can benefit from a family constellation. It provides an opportunity to uncover underlying dynamics, identify the root causes of the issues, and explore alternative ways of relating to each other.

3. Individuals seeking personal growth and self-awareness:
Family constellations can be a powerful tool for personal development and self-exploration. By participating in a constellation, individuals can gain deeper insights into their own patterns, beliefs, and unconscious dynamics that may be influencing their lives. It can help promote self-awareness, emotional healing, and personal growth.

4. Therapists and counsellors:
Family constellations are widely used by therapists and counsellors as a complementary approach to their therapeutic work. It can provide therapists with a different perspective on their clients' issues and assist in identifying systemic factors that may be contributing to their struggles. Therapists themselves can also benefit from participating in constellations as a form of professional development and self-care.

5. Organisations and teams:
Family constellations have expanded beyond families and can be applied to organisations and teams as well. Businesses, non-profit organisations, and other groups can benefit from setting up constellations to explore interpersonal dynamics, team conflicts, leadership issues, or systemic challenges within the organisation. It can help improve communication, foster collaboration, and optimize the functioning of the system.

It is important to note that while family constellations can be beneficial for many people, they are not a substitute for professional therapy or counselling. If someone is dealing with severe mental health issues or trauma, it is recommended to seek appropriate professional support alongside or instead of a family constellation.
Systemic constellations, similar to family constellations, can benefit various individuals and groups across different contexts. Here are some examples of who may benefit from setting up a systemic constellation:

1. Organisations and businesses:
Systemic constellations can be particularly helpful for organisations and businesses looking to address complex issues or improve their functioning. It can assist in identifying underlying systemic patterns, power dynamics, and structural issues within the organisation. By setting up a constellation, organisations can gain insights into team dynamics, leadership challenges, communication breakdowns, or cultural issues that may be impacting their effectiveness and success.

2. Community and social groups:
Systemic constellations can be used to explore community dynamics, social systems, and collective issues. It can be beneficial for community leaders, organisers, or activists seeking to understand and address challenges within their communities. By setting up a constellation, they can gain insights into systemic factors influencing social issues, intergroup conflicts, or patterns of inequality, and work towards creating positive change.

3. Therapists and counsellors:
Therapists and counsellors can utilise systemic constellations as a valuable tool in their practice. It can provide a broader perspective on their clients' issues by exploring systemic influences such as family dynamics, cultural background, or societal factors. Therapists can set up constellations to gain insights into the larger systems affecting their clients and facilitate healing and resolution.

4. Educational institutions:
Systemic constellations can be beneficial for educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities. They can help in understanding and addressing issues related to student-teacher dynamics, classroom conflicts, organisational structures, or systemic barriers to learning. By setting up constellations, educational institutions can gain insights into systemic factors impacting the educational environment and implement strategies for improvement.

5. Personal development and growth:
Systemic constellations can be utilised by individuals seeking personal growth, self-reflection, and understanding of their place within larger systems. It can assist in exploring patterns, beliefs, and unresolved issues that may be hindering personal development. By setting up a constellation, individuals can gain insights into their relationship with various systems, including family, culture, or societal structures.

It's important to note that systemic constellations, like family constellations, are not a substitute for professional therapy or counselling in cases of severe mental health issues or trauma. Individuals seeking therapeutic support should consult with trained professionals in addition to or instead of engaging in systemic constellations.
The constellations process can vary depending on the facilitator, the specific approach used, and the goals of the constellation. However, there are certain elements and experiences that are commonly associated with the constellations process. Here's an overview of what can be expected:

1. Preparation and setup:
The process usually begins with the facilitator explaining the constellation process, establishing guidelines, and creating a safe and supportive environment. Participants may be asked to briefly share their intentions or issues they would like to explore during the constellation.

2. Selection of representatives:
Representatives are chosen to stand in for different elements or members of the system being explored. For family constellations, representatives may be chosen to represent family members or significant figures. In systemic constellations, representatives can represent various elements such as individuals, teams, or organisational structures.

3. Placement and exploration:
The representatives are placed in the designated space or arranged symbolically to represent their positions within the system. The facilitator may guide the representatives to tune into their feelings, sensations, or intuitions and encourage them to express their experiences.

4. Movement and interactions:
The facilitator may instruct the representatives to move or make physical adjustments based on their inner sensations or guidance. This movement allows the representatives to interact and create a living representation of the system. They may express emotions, conflicts, or connections, providing insights into the underlying dynamics.

5. Insights and revelations:
As the constellation unfolds, hidden dynamics, entanglements, or patterns within the system may become apparent. Participants and observers often gain insights, emotional resonance, or a deeper understanding of the systemic influences at play. These insights can be transformative and provide a new perspective on the issue being explored.

6. Resolutions and integration:
The facilitator guides the constellation towards resolution or a sense of balance and harmony within the system. This can involve acknowledging and honouring the different members, expressing gratitude, or finding new ways of relating. Participants may experience a sense of closure, emotional release, or relief as the constellation comes to a conclusion.

7. Integration and follow-up:
After the constellation, participants are given time for reflection and integration. They may be encouraged to journal, share their experiences, or engage in follow-up practices to further process and integrate the insights gained from the constellation. In some cases, additional sessions or individual work may be recommended for further exploration and support.

It's important to note that each constellation is unique, and the experiences and outcomes can vary. Some constellations may bring about profound healing and resolution, while others may reveal insights that require further exploration and integration over time. The constellations process is a powerful tool for gaining insights, fostering understanding, and promoting healing within systems.
Setting up a family constellation can offer several potential benefits for individuals. Here are some ways you may benefit from engaging in a family constellation:

1. Gain insights and understanding:
Family constellations provide a unique perspective on the dynamics within your family system. By setting up a constellation, you can gain insights into hidden patterns, unresolved conflicts, and systemic influences that may be impacting your relationships, behaviours, or personal well-being. This increased understanding can offer clarity and a new perspective on your family dynamics.

2. Healing and resolution:
Family constellations create a space for healing and resolution. By representing different family members or significant figures, the constellation process allows emotions to surface and be expressed. This can lead to emotional release, catharsis, and a sense of closure or resolution around past hurts, traumas, or unresolved issues. It can promote healing and contribute to your overall well-being.

3. Break free from entanglements:
Constellations can help uncover entanglements within your family system. These entanglements may be rooted in intergenerational patterns, loyalty conflicts, or unresolved issues from the past. Through the constellation process, you can become aware of these entanglements and find ways to disentangle yourself, enabling you to create healthier boundaries, make independent choices, and live a more authentic life.

4. Foster empathy and understanding:
Participating in a family constellation allows you to embody the experiences and perspectives of other family members through the representatives. This experiential process can foster empathy and a deeper understanding of the challenges and perspectives of others in your family system. It can promote compassion, forgiveness, and improved communication within your family relationships.

5. Break repetitive patterns:
Family constellations can reveal repetitive patterns or dynamics that may be unconsciously perpetuated within your family system. By gaining awareness of these patterns, you can break free from them and choose alternative ways of relating and behaving. This can lead to personal growth, improved relationships, and the ability to create a more fulfilling and harmonious life for yourself and future generations.

6. Enhance personal growth and self-awareness:
Engaging in a family constellation is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-exploration. It can help you gain deeper insights into your own beliefs, behaviours, and unconscious dynamics that may be influencing your life. By understanding the systemic influences and family dynamics, you can make conscious choices, release limiting patterns, and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness.

It's important to note that the benefits of a family constellation may vary for each individual, and the process is not a substitute for professional therapy or counselling. However, many people have found family constellations to be transformative in gaining insights, healing, and creating positive change within their family systems and personal lives.
Setting up a systemic constellation can offer several potential benefits for individuals. Here are some ways you may benefit from engaging in a systemic constellation:

1. Deepen your understanding:
Systemic constellations provide a unique lens to explore complex systems such as organisations, communities, or personal issues. By setting up a constellation, you can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics, interconnections, and hidden patterns within the system. This increased understanding can provide valuable insights into the systemic influences impacting your life or the system you are exploring.

2. Identify and address systemic challenges:
Systemic constellations can help you identify and address systemic challenges within a particular system. Whether it's an organisational issue, community conflict, or personal challenge, the constellation process can reveal underlying factors and systemic barriers that contribute to the problem. By gaining awareness of these challenges, you can work towards finding effective solutions and implementing positive changes within the system.

3. Improve relationships and collaboration:
Systemic constellations often shed light on interpersonal dynamics, power imbalances, or communication breakdowns within a system. By setting up a constellation, you can gain insights into these dynamics and develop a deeper understanding of the perspectives and needs of different individuals or groups within the system. This increased understanding can foster improved relationships, enhanced collaboration, and more effective communication within the system.

4. Facilitate organisational or personal growth:
Engaging in a systemic constellation can be a catalyst for personal and organisational growth. By uncovering hidden dynamics, unresolved conflicts, or limiting beliefs, constellations provide an opportunity for personal and collective transformation. The insights gained from the constellation can support your development, empower you to make conscious choices, and create a pathway for growth within the system.

5. Promote systemic healing and reconciliation:
Systemic constellations can facilitate healing and reconciliation within a system. By acknowledging and honouring the interconnectedness of the system, constellations create a space for empathy, understanding, and resolution. The process can help release emotional burdens, resolve past traumas, and promote a sense of harmony and balance within the system.

6. Enhance problem-solving and decision-making:
Systemic constellations offer a unique approach to problem-solving and decision-making. By setting up a constellation, you can explore different perspectives, test potential solutions, and evaluate the potential outcomes within the system. This process can help you make more informed decisions, find innovative solutions, and create a more sustainable and balanced approach to addressing challenges within the system.

It's important to note that the benefits of a systemic constellation may vary for each individual and context. Additionally, the constellation process is not a substitute for professional guidance or therapy when dealing with severe or complex issues. However, many people have found systemic constellations to be transformative in gaining insights, fostering positive change, and promoting growth within systems they are a part of.
Ancestral healing and family constellations are related concepts but are not exactly the same. They both focus on exploring and addressing systemic influences within families and ancestral lineages, but they approach it from slightly different angles.

Family constellations, also known as systemic constellations, are a therapeutic approach that originated from family therapy and expanded to include various types of systems. In family constellations, the emphasis is on uncovering hidden dynamics, unresolved conflicts, and systemic patterns within the family system. It involves representing family members or significant figures to create a visual representation of the system, allowing insights and resolutions to emerge.

Ancestral healing, on the other hand, specifically focuses on healing and addressing generational wounds, traumas, and patterns within ancestral lineages. It recognises that unresolved issues or traumas can be passed down through generations and impact individuals in the present. Ancestral healing seeks to bring awareness to these ancestral influences and engage in healing practices to release and transform these patterns.

While family constellations can address ancestral influences and reveal intergenerational dynamics, ancestral healing may encompass a broader range of practices and approaches. Ancestral healing may involve rituals, ceremonies, guided meditations, energy healing, or connecting with ancestors through various modalities. It aims to heal the wounds and traumas of the past, restore balance, and cultivate a sense of connection with one's ancestral lineage.

It's worth noting that family constellations can be a valuable tool within the context of ancestral healing. Family constellations can uncover ancestral influences, reveal hidden systemic patterns, and provide a platform for acknowledging and addressing ancestral wounds. By setting up a family constellation, individuals engaging in ancestral healing work can gain insights and make shifts within their ancestral lineages.

In summary, while there are overlaps between ancestral healing and family constellations, ancestral healing specifically focuses on healing generational wounds, while family constellations provide a systemic approach to understanding and addressing family dynamics, including the ancestral influences within the family system.
Family constellations can be effective in contributing to the healing of trauma, although it is important to note that the approach itself is not a substitute for professional therapy or counseling in cases of severe trauma. The effectiveness of family constellations in trauma healing can vary depending on the individual, the nature of the trauma, and the skill and experience of the facilitator.

Here are some ways in which family constellations can potentially support trauma healing:

1. Increased awareness and understanding:
Family constellations provide a unique perspective on the underlying dynamics and systemic influences that contribute to trauma. By setting up a constellation, individuals can gain insights into the family dynamics, intergenerational patterns, and unresolved conflicts that may be connected to their trauma. This increased awareness and understanding can help individuals make sense of their experiences and begin the healing process.

2. Emotional release and catharsis:
During a constellation, representatives may express emotions and sensations that are connected to the trauma being explored. This emotional release and catharsis can provide a sense of relief, allowing individuals to express and process their feelings in a safe and supportive environment. It can contribute to the healing of emotional wounds associated with trauma.

3. Systemic integration and resolution:
Family constellations aim to restore balance and harmony within the family system. By acknowledging and honouring the systemic influences related to the trauma, constellations can facilitate a sense of resolution and integration. This may involve establishing healthy boundaries, finding a new position within the family system, or cultivating a sense of belonging and connection. Such systemic resolutions can contribute to the healing process for individuals affected by trauma.

4. Empowerment and re-authoring of narratives:
Family constellations provide an opportunity for individuals to re-author their narratives and reclaim their power in relation to the trauma. By exploring the trauma within the constellation, individuals can gain a sense of agency, challenge limiting beliefs or roles, and create a new narrative that supports their healing journey. This empowerment can be a significant aspect of trauma healing.

It is essential to approach trauma healing with sensitivity and ensure that the constellation process is facilitated by professionals who are experienced in trauma-informed practices. For severe trauma or complex cases, it is recommended to seek additional support from trauma specialists or therapists who can provide appropriate interventions and ensure the safety and well-being of the individuals involved.

Overall, family constellations can be a valuable tool within a comprehensive approach to trauma healing, offering insights, emotional release, systemic integration, and empowerment. However, the specific effectiveness for each individual may vary, and it is crucial to prioritise individual needs and seek appropriate professional support when working with trauma.
Family constellations can potentially be useful as a complementary approach in addressing depression and certain mental health-related issues. It is important to note that family constellations should not be considered a standalone or primary treatment for mental health conditions, and it is always recommended to consult with a qualified mental health professional for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate treatment plan. However, family constellations can offer some benefits that may support individuals dealing with mental health challenges:

1. Uncovering underlying systemic influences:
Family constellations can reveal hidden systemic influences, such as unresolved family dynamics, intergenerational patterns, or unspoken traumas that may contribute to mental health issues. By setting up a constellation, individuals may gain insights into these influences and develop a deeper understanding of the systemic factors impacting their mental health. This awareness can be an important step towards healing and addressing the root causes of the challenges.

2. Healing relational wounds:
Family constellations provide a space for acknowledging and healing relational wounds within the family system. These wounds, such as attachment disruptions, unresolved conflicts, or unmet needs, can impact one's mental well-being. Through the constellation process, individuals can explore and express their emotions, release pent-up feelings, and experience a sense of validation and resolution. This emotional healing within the relational context can contribute to overall well-being.

3. Gaining new perspectives and reframing narratives:
Family constellations offer an opportunity to gain new perspectives and reframe narratives that may be contributing to depression or other mental health issues. By embodying different family members or significant figures in the constellation, individuals can shift their perception and experience the situation from multiple viewpoints. This expanded perspective can facilitate cognitive shifts, challenge limiting beliefs, and offer a fresh lens through which to understand oneself and one's challenges.

4. Strengthening support systems:
Family constellations can foster a sense of connection, support, and empathy within the group setting. Participants often witness and empathise with the experiences of others, which can promote a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation. Engaging in constellations alongside others with shared experiences can create a supportive environment that may enhance one's overall mental well-being and provide a sense of community.

5. Integrating and aligning personal identity:
Family constellations can support individuals in integrating their personal identity within the larger family system. This integration can help individuals establish a sense of belonging, coherence, and authenticity. By recognising and honouring their place in the family system, individuals may experience a greater sense of self-acceptance and find a more solid foundation for their well-being.

While these potential benefits can be valuable, it is important to approach family constellations as a complement to, not a replacement for, evidence-based mental health interventions. It is crucial to work with trained facilitators who have a solid understanding of mental health issues and trauma-informed practices to ensure a safe and supportive experience. Consulting with a mental health professional is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment options for specific mental health conditions.
Family constellations can potentially provide insights and support in addressing addictions, addictive patterns, and addictive behaviours. However, it is important to note that family constellations should not be considered a standalone or primary treatment for addiction. Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that often requires a comprehensive approach involving various therapeutic interventions and professional support. Family constellations can be a valuable complementary tool within this broader framework. Here are some ways in which family constellations may contribute to the exploration and healing of addiction-related issues:

1. Uncovering underlying systemic dynamics:
Family constellations can reveal hidden systemic influences and dynamics that contribute to addictive patterns within families. These influences may include intergenerational trauma, family roles, enmeshment, enabling behaviours, or unresolved conflicts. By setting up a constellation, individuals can gain insights into these systemic factors and develop a deeper understanding of how they contribute to addictive behaviours. This awareness can be an important step towards addressing the root causes of addiction.

2. Healing family wounds and traumas:
Addictions are often rooted in unresolved family wounds and traumas. Family constellations provide a space to acknowledge and heal these wounds within the family system. By exploring and expressing emotions, individuals can release pent-up feelings, find resolution, and experience a sense of validation and healing. This emotional healing within the family context can contribute to breaking free from addictive patterns.

3. Shifting limiting beliefs and behaviours:
Family constellations offer an opportunity to challenge and shift limiting beliefs and behaviours that contribute to addiction. By embodying different family members or significant figures in the constellation, individuals can gain new perspectives, challenge distorted beliefs, and experience alternative ways of relating. This can support the process of reframing addictive narratives and creating healthier patterns of behaviour.

4. Restoring balance and boundaries:
Family constellations aim to restore balance and healthy boundaries within the family system. This includes establishing clear roles, acknowledging each member's autonomy, and addressing enmeshment or codependent dynamics. By setting up a constellation, individuals can explore and practice new ways of relating, which can help break the cycle of addiction and promote healthier family dynamics.

5. Providing a supportive group environment:
Engaging in family constellations within a group setting can offer a supportive environment where individuals with addictive patterns can feel understood, validated, and supported. Participants often witness and empathise with each other's experiences, fostering a sense of connection and reducing feelings of isolation. This supportive group environment can contribute to individuals' motivation for change and their overall well-being.

It is essential to approach family constellations as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for addiction, involving other evidence-based interventions such as therapy, counselling, support groups, and medical interventions when necessary. It is crucial to work with trained facilitators who have a solid understanding of addiction and trauma-informed practices. Collaborating with addiction specialists and seeking professional support is vital to ensure a safe and effective approach to addressing addiction-related issues.