We all live our lives in and through our relationships, both past and present, and we are all shaped by the social and cultural contexts in which we are embedded.

What is SYSTEMIC Skills Training?
Systemic ideas have become hugely influential in recent decades and their application has developed beyond the family and beyond therapy to provide invaluable ways of exploring the contexts in which we all live and work.
With Systemic Skills Training I allow you to look at the larger whole through a number of different techniques and methods that I have developed to help you uncover the unknown to improve your overall life experience and destiny.
At Healing Point Constellations we believe you "Heal through Wholeness"

Who can benefit from Systemic Skills Training?
Business Coaches
Life Coaches

What are the benefits of SYSTEMIC Skills Training?

- It helps you to discover everything yourself to get a clearer meaning of you
- Improves your life experiences
- Uncover the unknown and discover the best of life
- Allow yourself to thrive, grow and succeed
- Live a fuller life

- It improves the technical capacity of individuals and prepares the employee to undertake his job effectively and efficiently
- It enables the employees to adopt to change in the work method or procedure
- Systematic training prepares employees for future job challenges or a promotion
- Systematic training helps employees to learn the method of operating a new machine or
- equipment installed by a company
- Systematic training enables employees to be versatile that is to be capable of undertaking several jobs

Meet Sonja Simak from Healing Point

Sonja Simak is the founder of Healing Point and started Family Constellations over 15 years ago.
She is renowned Family Constellations Trainer for the entire Gauteng province. Sonja, a gifted communicator, fluent in English, Afrikaans and German, eloquently and effortlessly brings a Family Constellation to life. She offers great insights into the process and her wisdom is apparent in every constellation she facilitates. Read more