About page
I am in the wrong workshop. The lady that was supposed to host a workshop on the topic of Inner Child Healing has called in sick. John Payne replaces her with a workshop on Family Constellations.
I am angry. I feel I have no place of safety anywhere in the world. Within the space of a year, I have lost many important people in my life. My father succumbed to cancer, my mother was murdered, and my husband is in another country while I am at home with my youngest child. I am lost in a world where nothing makes sense. I have just survived my pit of depression, and now another wave of nothingness hits me.
I need to keep it together in the best way possible. I have no answers but to continue as best I can. While I am in my own pain, I have vowed to help other people through theirs. How can I do this when I am not okay?
I sign up for John's training in Family and Systemic Constellations. I see the healing it does for others. I do not know how it works, but I trust the flow of the energy field. It is a new science, and I am willing to explore. It keeps me searching for answers in a new area of study. I feel hopeful that I can put my life back on track.
I learn that by honouring my family of origin, I can gain some sense of belonging. As an illegitimate child with birth parents who themselves did not know how to handle an unwanted child, my start in this earth journey was challenged from the very beginning. I realise that my wounds are much deeper than I could have imagined. With each training, with each constellation, I feel more and more understanding and empathy for the choices that were made by adults before me. I am hooked on the value of this work, yet the sceptic in me remains. This work is not supported by real science. Quantum energy science is still not mainstream.
I start facilitating this work as part of the trauma release work I already do. I see how my clients heal faster. The benefit of finding core wounds in families supports all the other work I do.
Eventually, I develop my own style of working. I work with figurines, paper mapping and chairs. The client is in control of the work, and I am just the observer. As my skills improve, I develop more and more insights into the wisdom of this work as a whole.
Five years ago… I take a bold step. I start to train this work to others who want to develop these systemic skills too. I love the extra dimension this work adds to my coaching. This work has potential. Every time I set up a constellation, whether in private or in a group or now on Zoom, I am amazed by the healing and transformational insights this work provides for my clients and trainees.
I am a SCASA approved facilitator and trainer of Family and Systemic Constellations.
Covid restrictions set up many challenges for all of us. The choices I had to make were challenging on many fronts and led to creating On-Line Workshops and On-Line Training. Now that the transition is complete, I can weigh in on the pros and cons of In-Person and On-Line constellations.
Will life ever be the same again?
No. Not for me.
I have learned to appreciate my new working space for various reasons.
• The ease with which I can set up a constellation for individuals and groups remotely outweighs the challenges and costs of having the ideal working space.
• I love the freedom to work from different locations without offering workshops and training interruptions.
• Physical challenges do not interrupt working ability.
• New possibilities have opened up, and the space has become limitless.
Does this mean I will never work In-Person again?
I do set up individual constellations In-Person as and when requested. Group workshops have taken a slightly different format as we will be offering more retreats and two and three-day themed seminars.
Covid created the opportunity for us at HealingPoint Constellations to experiment and experience the transition from only In-Person work to On-Line work. It was a choice we made to be able to continue to work with clients and continue the training of Facilitators.
At the time of the announcement of the first lockdown, we were not equipped. Determined that I would use the time spent in isolation to benefit the greater good of all, I started working on creating remote workshops and training. The first experiments working In The Mind's Eye in a Virtual Space worked well. Setting up a second camera with my board of figurines allowed us to work visually in a remote setting. Both work well in Individual as well as Group Work.
Is working remotely On-Line the same as In-Person?
"Yes" and "No".
• "Yes">The challenges are different, but the effect of gaining insight and learning are the same.
• "Yes"> We continue to work in a safe space.
• "Yes">The work in setting up a constellation and the movements are the same.
• "Yes">The perspective through a 360 degrees dimensional view is often greater.
• "Yes">The emotional experiences are the same.
• "Yes">Energy and Wisdom flow as they need to flow. There are no restrictions in the energy field.
• "No">What goes missing is the physical touch.
• "Yes">It is incredible how we can touch each other through a shared experience in a remote room.
With this forced transition through the restrictions of Covid, the past two years have taught us at HealingPoint Constellations more about the movement of energy than ever before. For me, I have learned to trust the work's power truly.
Energy has no limitations and flows as it needs to flow.
There a multiple benefits to setting up Family and Systemic Constellations remotely and On-Line
• Distance is not a factor. People can sign in from different locations and join a room.
• Travel costs are a considerable saving factor.
• Traffic issues are different. We do sometimes struggle with an internet connection through internet and power failures.
• Working with deep emotional issues in the safety of your own space is super beneficial.
• It is up to the individual to set up their safe working space before entering the room.
• We work with cameras and microphones switched on in the workshop room to keep the visual and sound connection ongoing.
Recently I had a situation where my client specifically asked me to work In-Person. I agreed and set up our appointment accordingly. An hour before the appointed time, he phoned and asked us to move to a remote setting due to time constraints on his side. His feedback after the session was that he loved that he could fit in the session with minimum time spent away from his work commitments.
With all the trials and challenges that hit me and that I have learned to master through the Covid lockdown period, I am finding myself in a place where I have found a new way forward in life. With the added value, we are equipped to serve our clients in the best way possible.
Family Constellations differs from most talk therapies or coaching modalities in that it has large, non-verbal, body language-oriented components.
Resolution of problems or issues happens in an experiential process that leads to liberation and healing. This working tool creates relief for the client and an improved state of being. Resolution of problems or issues happens in an experiential process that leads to liberation and healing.
It is an approach which directly reaches the HEART OF THE MATTER within the family, social or business system – whether relating to physical.
You are a system within a system. Understanding belonging, order, safety and security in the 'system' in which you live and operate supports you in functioning within all flow of life. The universal system supports all forms of life, including yours.
History repeats itself. Historical patterns lie in each system no matter the nature of a system.
The biological DNA structure is historical imprinted historical evidence of the family of origin of each person.
To create transformational changes within a system requires recognition of the patterns that require change and thus healing.
The simplest way to describe a family constellation with representatives is that it is like watching a movie, a snippet, from your own family history. You watch your family dynamics unravel in a 3D movie format enabling you to better understand the issue you are currently faced with or a topic you require better understanding.
A healing shift is often experienced as a sense of relief and release. On a cellular level which helps create the shift in our lives so that we can heal unresolved issues (health, mental, emotional).
It is a “therapy” session where you truly feel the results.