I need your help!
It has been a long time coming - acknowledging trauma in business or the workplace.
In the systemic work, I have become more and more aware of the trauma of individuals that affect the work environment and the trauma a business has suffered.
I would like to learn from you:-
What are your experiences in your workplace that make it difficult for you?
Yes, it may be a personality clash with another team member, but what makes it difficult for you in your work. Even if, due to circumstances, you work from home, you may still be affected by the trauma that lies hidden in the archives and history of the business.
The history in the system holds the key to alignment.
What does this mean?
The trauma in the business system holds the key to finding solutions.
How can you help?
I will love it if you share your difficult experiences at work with me.
These difficulties are the symptoms of the underlying systemic entanglements you are experiencing.
I am gathering the most common patterns to create a workshop that addresses the origins of the trauma so that we can all learn and benefit. With awareness, we can address many more underlying problems and find more alignment of our contribution in the workplace.
Please comment below. Your information will be confidential and used only to address the most common dysfunctional situations you experience in your working environment.