Conscious FlowHealing through trauma

Learning from the Systemic Field – It never is what it seems

This weekend, during one of our practice training sessions, we set up what appeared an innocent, easy systemic coaching exercise. 

The issue with time. 

One of the trainees even mentioned that this was simply an issue of forming proper timing habits. True. However, the question is not that we cannot achieve new habits through discipline and awareness, but rather, it became a problem for this client. 

It almost appeared too simple to explore; however, it was a training practice and worth mapping out.

I often wonder why we set intentions and then struggle to follow through with them. There is resistance at the core that creates sabotage in various formats. What creates this resistance? 

We worked super simple with only four elements in consideration of each other. 


In the simplicity lies the complexity that looked innocent to start with, opening up into a deep childhood wound that opened up the core of the resistance. It came up through the body movements that brought up the emotions, and then the memories came flooding in. The client clearly understood the issue with time and how she set up the sabotage every single time.

This core resistance, entangled in childhood experiences, now surfaced all the anger, frustration, and feelings buried in behavior patterns that covered up the pain.

Yes, the pain surfaced.

Dealing and healing the pain from this vantage point of awareness creates healing power in Family and Systemic Constellations.

By the way, the childhood pain that surfaced had nothing to do with time at all.

It never is what it seems.

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