Learning from the Systemic Field

Fears and Letting Go

The world is in a state of chaos. What are your fears that bring your world into a state of chaos? What are the entanglements in the systems you belong to that held beliefs that drive fears? Let’s uncover! What… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Sibling Bonds

What makes a bond between siblings so special? Firstly, siblings are a combination of the same family systems, namely the father’s family system and the mother’s family system. Siblings carry the innate wisdom of both their family systems within them.… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Blind Love vs Mature Love

In one of my training sessions, the following question came up: “What is the difference between Blind Love and Mature Love?” The question was presented by a Relationship Coach. I had never thought about it.  Before I start a constellation… Continue Reading…