Conscious Flow

Mother’s Day

Being a mother is my happy, peaceful place.  I love being a mother.  My inner joy, inner contentment, inner satisfaction, and just being with my children cannot be put into words and cannot be justified with words.  Yes, there is… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Embracing the journey through self-harm

The role of the facilitator when dealing with issues of self-harm and addiction is delicate.   We set up a constellation to learn where we, as facilitators, could create a healing space for teenagers with suicidal ideations. How could a family… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Narcissists from the Systemic view

A narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health/personality disorder. It is characterised by an individual having a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance and an excessive need for admiration.  From my perspective, through a systemic view, I would like to… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Fears and Letting Go

The world is in a state of chaos. What are your fears that bring your world into a state of chaos? What are the entanglements in the systems you belong to that held beliefs that drive fears? Let’s uncover! What… Continue Reading…

Conscious Flow

Healing the wounds of the child within

I recently became a grandmother. This tiny human who is entirely dependent on the world it has entered fills me with absolute awe.  How will this world receive him? How will he experience this journey of life here on Earth?… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Sibling Bonds

What makes a bond between siblings so special? Firstly, siblings are a combination of the same family systems, namely the father’s family system and the mother’s family system. Siblings carry the innate wisdom of both their family systems within them.… Continue Reading…

Learning from the Systemic Field

Blind Love vs Mature Love

In one of my training sessions, the following question came up: “What is the difference between Blind Love and Mature Love?” The question was presented by a Relationship Coach. I had never thought about it.  Before I start a constellation… Continue Reading…

Conscious Flow

Brother vs Brother

Sibling rivalry is as old as humankind itself. We all know the story of Cain and Abel. It’s the story of a brother, fighting brother; both are born from the same parents, yet they don’t see eye to eye.  What… Continue Reading…

Conscious Flow

I love facilitating Family and Systemic Constellations!

What can I say more?  This weekend I felt privileged to have a group of past and present training facilitators join, in person, in what was experienced as a big joyful family reunion.  Just the energy in the room of… Continue Reading…

Conscious Flow

Why did I choose to be…

This morning I am questioning myself, “Why did I choose to be….” It is a little game I play when I find myself stuck with one of the many hats I am wearing on this life journey. There are the… Continue Reading…